Falling Into Place

So, starting today, I wanted to try something new. Yesterday I ended up printing four sheets of brand-new affirmations to draw everyday so I would have a little bit more cheer a little bit more Springtime. Today’s pull was “I accept that things are falling into place for me and thinking about that affirmation today.” In the state of the world, it's sometimes a little bit hard to feel like things are actually going according to plan. That things might actually work out when, in reality, we’re faced with the fact that we might be losing people that we care about, that we love, that we follow on social media.

Pulling my affirmations kind of help me to feel centered, in a way, that everything is going according to plan. Things are going well, but some of the things like with the virus, are not. Today’s affirmation, at least for myself, helps to remind me that I can change my fate.  It's been my experience that you can actually change your fate. You don't have to be resigned to a victim mentality to whatever life throws at you. Trust, I've been there, it's not an effective way to live.

You have to take an active role in your life. Whether that's making and wearing your own masks for the virus prevention or social distancing or all that stuff that we put into place before all of this happened. I'm just glad that we did. We moved. I do not recommend however, moving in the middle of a global pandemic. I also don’t recommend having your plumbing go out and you, with your compromised immune system, having to rely on gas station public bathrooms because you can't use your toilet at home. 

Fortunately that's all been remedied, but like with the virus, so many things can impact our lives. It's kind of scary, but I'm also grateful that we took those steps to move because I know some people right now are looking to move and nobody wants to show places when whoever's coming look might make you sick. I'm glad that we moved when we did because we ended up cutting our rent in half which is an awesome thing. 

When you look at life in the whole grand scheme of things, there’s a lot going wrong. I don't want to sugarcoat shit, you know, but there's also the steps that we can take to make it a little bit less scary. Check in with people. I’m pretty good at the social distancing thing and staying home. Home is my favorite place. But, I've been going out on walks, taking the dogs for a walk just to get out. There's like nobody else outside walking. Sure, there are cars, but there's nobody like walking. I don't really come into contact with a lot of people. I don't do the grocery shopping myself. These things, people from the outside could look at as either overreacting or it's just luck that everything turns out for you.

But, what they may miss are all the steps you took to get to where you are now. You know you have to do the work. You may have to reevaluate and change your plan. For now, my plan is to continue with self-care practices. That includes daily affirmation pulls and, at least for now, 5-minute videos and a blog post. 

What are you doing to nurture your soul today?


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