Find Your Voice

Image via Brent Jones
It can be a challenge to find your voice. Even after you find it, you will soon realize that holding onto your voice can be even trickier than finding it in the first place. We are inundated by images about what we are supposed to be, do, and how we’re expected to act. In an attempt to refrain from rocking the boat, we’ll go along with the crowd, putting forth a united voice. Don’t get me wrong, a choir of strong voices can help to further causes and can be helpful when it comes to advocating, as it’s more difficult to ignore the masses when compared to ignoring the single voice. However, if we go along with the rest of the crowd, our individual voice may be lost in the noise.

Finding and using our voice can be scary, especially if we are used to going along with what is viewed as “right” or “correct” in society. We enter several different groups within society, such as work, school, neighborhood, city, state, and country. If you dare to act against the social norm of society, you will most likely be confronted by the ideas and concepts held by the majority, which often counter those you hold yourself. In such situations, it is easy to just slink back into the crowd, abandoning your voice in an instance where it could have given another person in the crowd the courage to find and use their voice.

Use Your Voice Print
Image via Heartman Clothes
It is not an easy thing to do, finding your voice. It takes a bit of introspection to identify what is important to you, what aligns with your values and how you view the world. Nobody shares all of your visions, so be ready for some push-back, but if you have the courage to find your voice, you never know who you will inspire to find their own voice. But do it for more than that. Do it for yourself, as your views, insights, and experiences are valid and can contribute to the changing voice of society.

What helps you to use your voice, rather than fading into the background of this thing we call life?


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