Remember you are water. Cry. Release. Flow.
Remember you are water. Cry. Release. Flow.

As we mature to adulthood, our voice becomes stifled by society and the norms by which we are expected to adhere. However, this also includes part of what makes us compassionate and empathize with our peers and family members. When we are told to refrain from crying or are told that doing so equates with weakness, we prevent an integral aspect of who we are. We feel deeply, yet are told to only show surface feelings. Don’t even get me started on the effect society’s need for stifling emotions has on violence and toxic masculinity…

Being like water can also remind us of the power we hold within ourselves. The fierce storms that churn beneath a darkened sky contains the same matter that meanders down a slow and windy creek. We also contain the calmness and veracious energies within. But, just like when beavers alter the flow of water with a dam, pushing down our emotions can cause our lives to go off course. We can harness our personal power through encouraging ourselves and others to feel and release emotions.
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