Remember You Are Earth. Ground. Build. Give.

Remember You Are Earth. Ground. Build. Give. 
Dreaming women endure the elements of nature and life in the otherworldly…
Image via Alexandra Levasseur
This morning’s affirmation reminds me of one of my favorite practices. As a kid, I was grounded once. But as an adult, I try to get grounded as often as I need. Sure, they are quite different applications of the word grounded, but they share a similar concept. Each type provides a time for quiet reflection and introspection. Okay, it may not sound like something a kid would engage in when they are serving their punishment for getting caught sneaking out, but it may occur on a subconscious level. After all, not being able to go out with friends or talking on the phone can trigger introspection, as the child has a lot more time to pause and think about what they did and why it was wrong. Or, at least that was my experience, as my punishments often included writing an essay on why what I did was wrong. Sure, it may not be effective for all circumstances, but it certainly does give each party, parent and child, an opportunity to reflect on the action that triggered the punishment, and to come to a mutual agreement about behavior going forward.

“I am grounded, centered, and amplified” sigil requested by anonymous Sigil requests open Saturday-Monday
So, you may be asking yourselves how does such a punishment align with the practice of grounding? Fair question, especially if you are new to the practice. For me, it gives me time to reflect and recharge, going forward with the strength and intention that is reminiscent of the planet we call home. It is akin to meditation with an extra energy boost.

Visualization plays a significant role in my grounding and mindfulness practice. When I breathe in deeply, I visualize my inhale swirling down to my diaphragm, nourishing every part of my body that benefits from the oxygen and energy that is introduced during the exchange of breath. My grounding practice is similar in that I picture roots sprouting from the soles of my feet, reaching down through the different layers of the Earth. As the roots continue seeking the depths of the ground, I visualize similar roots sprouting from my fingertips and burying themselves in the soil. As the roots that sprout from my fingertips and feet dig deep into the soil, I picture a bright white light shining from the crown of my head, reaching towards the clouds.
Meditation For Grounding by GoddessLeonie
Image via Pinterest

My light and roots bring me strength and the mindset needed to get through some of the most difficult aspects of life. Living with debilitating chronic pain conditions, it is very easy to become locked in a downward spiral, where it may be difficult to see the bright light that drives out the feelings and emotions that hide in the corners of our minds. However, if we BECOME the bright light, we can see clearly. The light, in combination with the roots that dig into the ground and mindful breathing imagery, can provide that little extra magic that you may need to get through a difficult time. We can also recharge our inner battery through such practices, which, in turn, helps us to be able to help others.

Today I have sat with a flower
and was amazed at how
Its petals reach and reach
far out to touch the heavens,
while its feet remained
rooted in the Earth that birthed it.

Let us too,
look up to the stars
and far beyond
but with our toes still deeply
grounded in the Earth that raised us.


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