My Work Does Not Have to be Perfect to be a Success

My Work Does Not Have to be Perfect to be a Success
Image result for embrace imperfection"It was impeccable timing, pulling this affirmation today. See, I can often be a bit of a perfectionist. While that trait is certainly good in several fields where accuracy and perfection is required, it can also stifle the creative process. If we are afraid of making mistakes, if we are worried that the creation we have in our heads will be less than perfect, we may refrain from beginning in the first place. Whether it is writing, painting, or chainmail, if we are too worried about failing, we will become our own stumbling block. If we keep doing that, we can become constipated. Not only figuratively when it comes to our creativity, but also literally, as the stress we place upon ourselves can mess with our body. The gut-brain can become so consumed with fear of imperfection that it will literally slow down the digestion and elimination processes.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪wabi sabi artwork‬‏ - #Art #sabi #wabi #עבור #תוצאת #תמונה
While we strive for perfection, we tend to lose the enjoyment of a process. When our attention is devoted to precision, it can be such a stifling experience. It is possible to still be successful and still make mistakes along the way. If there were no mistakes, we would miss out on several important learning opportunities. When we make mistakes, it is an opportunity to learn more about what works and what doesn’t work. We need to abandon our fear of failure. We are taught that everything must be done perfectly, and that anything that falls short of this mark is deemed a failure. But, what if we removed this fear of failure from our lives? Think about all of the things that you may have wanted to try, but your fear of failure was rearing its less than lackluster face, how many things did you abandon even before you had an opportunity to begin?

Jeune artiste de Philly, Lindsay Rapp, sur des sujets féminins, des vagues déferlantes et la possession de sa propre galerieI am not advocating jumping head first into new adventures with blinders on, as fear of failure can often be an effective motivator for improvement. The problem with such an interpretation of imperfection and success is when there is too much fear associated with trying a new thing. It can stop us from starting things that we may actually enjoy. Be welcoming to the idea of missing the mark. Take risks. Try new things. It is then, when we embrace imperfections as learning opportunities, we learn more about ourselves and each other.


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