Teach Me Tuesday: DIY Coffee Creamer

Some may enjoy their coffee as black as their winged eyeliner, while others prefer adding a little sweet and creamy extras. Neither one is better than the other as a whole, but those who drink their coffee in a more “pure” form may have it a little easier when it comes to the accouterments needed to enjoy their morning brew. For those of us who like to add a little something to liven up our cup of Joe, it can be difficult, especially when you have a restricted diet.

White Ceramic Mug Filled With Brown Liquid on Heart-shaped Coffee BeansI have been living the gluten free and vegan life for a few years now and cannot see myself going back. However, one issue that I had when switching over was a lack of tasty coffee creamer options that didn’t cost an arm and a leg (either literally by how much sugar they contained, or how hard they hit the pocketbook). I tried a few recipes that I found online, but many of them seemed to take too much time and effort, not to mention more than a few ingredients. I was looking for something easy that was affordable and customizable. I couldn’t find any that really met my criteria, so I put on my creative chef hat and came up with a recipe that fit my needs.

The first version I made was around the winter holiday season. I love eggnog. I mean I LOVE it. I would be the first to buy a carton when it hit the shelves and would add it to my coffee for a tasty holiday treat. Well, eggnog is often made with milk and, duh, eggs, so I had to come up with something that had the flavor, as well as mouthfeel. Since I made that version, I have tried close to a dozen different flavor recipes. The trick is to keep the base recipe simple, then you can customize with your personal preference of spices. I keep my creamer in a blender bottle and it works great!

Vegan Customizable Coffee Creamer

  • 1 can coconut milk (full fat seems to thicken up the best)
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk of choice
  • Spices of choice
  • Extracts or flavorings of choice

Sliced Coconut with CandiesCombine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 1 minute. Refrigerate and shake the container prior to each use. It is important that the coconut milk is the kind in a can, rather than the coconut milk that you would typically find in the refrigerated section of your local grocery store.

Looking for an eggnog vibe? Add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger, along with a splash of vanilla extract. You can also add sugar-free beverage flavors, which come in flavors such as iced cinnamon roll, s’mores, and chocolate. The variety is nearly limitless.

White Cup Filled by Coffee
What are some of your favorite coffee creamer flavors? Do you use ready-made coffee creamers? What is your favorite non-dairy milk to use in baking, cereal, or  to your cup of coffee?


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