Mission Monday: Dresser Organization

A month or so ago, we picked up a dresser during the trash pickup for large items that we have about twice a year. Matt saw it while he was out and about, then he came home and told me about it. We jumped into the car and away we went, down the street. Well, it wouldn’t fit in the car. So, back home we drove to get our dolly and walked down the street where the gem was waiting. It is a little rough around the edges, but who isn’t, right? Matt and I have downsized our clothes over the years, so now we share a three drawer dresser and a small closet. It is an older dresser, so, much like older homes, it is smaller when you compare it to more traditional, modern-day dressers. As such, in order to ensure that all of our folded items fit, I started folding pants and shorts in thirds and it seems to be a perfect solution! Over a dozen pairs of pants fit in a drawer when folded in thirds! There are still a few things we want to do with it in order to bring it back to the show stopping condition it was once, many years ago.

Becoming and keeping organized has been so helpful for me. Between the pain and brainfog, trying to keep on top of the domestic chores can be a fading dream if I am not organized. It could have been from my military background, but, let’s be honest. I have always been a little bit of an organization freak. As a kid, I made my own version of the date and weather station that I had at school, affixing envelopes to the wall to put the corresponding day, date, and weather. I also tried to make my personal books more like library books, asking my mom to check out a book, which I would write the return by date inside, on a slip of paper that I affixed to the inside of the front cover. Is it any wonder why I never really fit in with kids my age?!

I had no idea at that time what role organization would play in my life as an adult. Not only an adult, but one who never thought that there would be a day where I would wake up and never be able to shake the pain that comes along with faulty collagen genes and nerves that feel like they are on fire. Keeping the house organized actually seems to allow me to function on an almost autopilot setting, as there is a place for everything and everything is in its place. The most challenging part is when I move things, as I can quickly forget where I placed the item. It then turns into a game of hide and go seek!

About 90% (if not more) of my wardrobe has been purchased from various thrift stores. Are you a thrifter when it comes to clothes? What organizing tips to you swear by to make your life easier?


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