Fearless Friday

There was a time, not too long ago (days, hours even) where I would never consider wearing these shorts, let alone take a picture and post it online! But, sometimes you just have to say FUCK IT and wear a piece of clothing that strikes fear in your heart. Granted, it’s not like I am going anywhere other than the backyard, but it still helps me to get used to appreciating my body, rather than loathing it.
Having a chronic illness means that you get to develop a new relationship with your body. It is easy to feel as if you are not dependable when it comes to doing what you used to, before “getting sick.”

However, the blame should not rest upon you, but rather your body is on it’s own schedule and we’re just along for the ride. My hips pop in and out a few times a day, but on the bad days, where they pop out a lot, the next few days are full of so much pain. I have to literally relearn how to move, twist, bend, and where my limit in regards to range of motion SHOULD be, rather than where it has been for the majority of my 41 years. Imagine having to relearn things that you’ve been doing for your entire life. All because a switch in my body decided to flip the fuck out.

So, I am doing the best that I can, which varies from day to day, and sometimes hour to hour. Learning how to appreciate what I am able to do sometimes leads me to feeling grief for what I used to be able to do on a regular basis. I guess the message is to not take your health for granted, because you never know when it is going to be snatched from you like a cheap TV during Black Friday.


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