Welcome Back to Oregon!!

When we moved, we made it a point to identify potential regions that could potentially have better healthcare for people, like me, who have complex medical histories and diagnoses. I’m limited on where I can go so, no, I can’t always just get a new doctor when I get gaslit by doctors due to the VA. We moved to Oregon from the Albuquerque VA AOR in the hope for this to be true. Well, just as with other areas and doctors we’ve encountered, they give GREAT lip service, however, when it comes to ACTUALLY helping, there’s lots of room for improvement. At our first appointment, they took an hour or so to do my history, draw blood, and get my referrals for MRIs and X-rays. Great! I got my MRIs and X-rays done a week or two later in Portland. Great hospital by what we saw (this is a big VA facility, but not where I see my PCP). A few days later, I can see my results online. What were my results? Well… Reversal of normal cervical lordosis Scattered degenerative endplate changes, most prominent ...