Pushing Boundaries

Today we are going to talk a little bit about boundaries. Sometimes boundaries can have a negative connotation in our minds. Many of us are raised, especially as women (not all women, but this includes people who identify as female) in society, we're often the ones who are told to be like accommodating to other people. To put their needs first. While, yes, this is helpful, it may not always be healthy though. When you keep saying no to what you want to do and are not able to pursue what you want, that's a problem. I'm not saying if you want to go pursue a wild scheme or things like that, but when you're saying yes to something that you don't want to do, it can kind of put you in a weird position where you kind of start to lose track of who you are or what you want. Boundaries are a challenge. I learned about it in school for my Master's program and I still have a hard time with boundaries because I don't want to be looked at as the bad person, t...