The Poverty of Unwelcome Guests

It is a little frustrating, but it isn’t necessarily the fault of others, for they are not clued in.Things are tough all around. We each have our own battles that we greet in the morning and see again in our dreams. One’s challenge may be someone else’s strength. We can bring our resources together, both physically tangible, as well as those traditions that are passed on, but only by word of mouth. Next week I have my surgical consultation. You see, I have a growth, about an inch in size, that is currently growing on my uterus. It is an unwelcome guest, and one that must be evicted. It looks like I will be having a hysteroscopy or hysterectomy, with the latter one hopefully leaving my ovaries for better hormone regulation. Both of these require quite a bit of rest, which is one thing I have struggled with for much of my life. It’s not that I feel like I keep busy to avoid sitting with my feelings. Trust me on that one. But rather, it comes from a place of guilt. Our society has br...