Harvest Time
The seasons are definitely a-changin, with the chill of Autumn filling the morning air and pumpkin puree has found its way into my homemade creamer. Coffee creamer that is worthy of (vegan) Uggs is possible any time of the year once you begin to make your own creamer. But, oh, does it taste so good on the cool mornings of late September. There is magic in the air, can you feel it? So, I am a green green witch, in that reading and learning about this side of life is relatively new to me and keeping up with the various rituals can be overwhelming, especially for a newbie like myself. Living with a chronic pain condition can also zap my ability to concentrate and remember things, as well as deplete my energy faster than a vampyre. I recommend taking a few sacred days to learn about a handful of events that fall on the wheel of the year and slowly incorporate some of the traditions that accompany the various dates of the year. One of the upcoming seasonal events is called Mabon, whic...