Get Your Religion Out of My Vagina, Part 3
When doing a quick search as to what constitutes a “religious employer,” it is not as clear cut as one would imagine. The obvious ones, such as religious schools, have already been brought before the court system for violating the workplace anti-discrimination laws. In one case , the great RBG questioned if a religious school has the right to fire employees for reasons that have nothing to do with religion. This was in regard to a teacher who was fired after revealing that she had breast cancer and required medical leave in order to undergo chemotherapy. That teacher has since passed away. Also addressed in the case was who fell under the employee umbrella: teachers, nurses, coaches, janitors, bus drivers... The water gets even more murky in terms of what is considered a religious employer. As of July 8, 2020, the Trump Administration won further control over women’s bodies. It was determined that “employers who have sincerely held religious beliefs or moral objections again...